Free Sheet Music & Tab

This is a list of websites that offer free dulcimer sheet music and tab. If you would like to see a site included in this list, please email

This list was last updated on Dec. 21, 2023.

I am listing this site at the top because I think it is the most extensive collection of free tablature for mountain dulcimer as well as other resources like builder and teachers lists. The page is maintained by Kevin Teague.

The rest are listed in alphabetical order below.

Buckeye Roadshow Zoom Jam Library

The monthly hybrid zoom jam session hosted by the Buckeye Roadshow has a collection of music and tab on their website. (Mountain and Hammered)

Joe Collins

Joe Collins shares new mountain dulcimer arrangements on his website monthly. You can sign up to be notified when new tabs are posted.

Revels Music

Geoff Black hosts a library of free mountain dulcimer tablature on his website.

Tindle Music Company

Mark Tindle has made an assortment of mountain dulcimer arrangements of public domain and original music on his website available free of charge.

Tull Glazener - Tab of the Month

Tull Glazener releases a new mountain dulcimer arrangement every month and shares them for free on his website.

Wikipedia’s “List of online digital musical document libraries”

An extensive list of databases. Not dulcimer specific.